There are various types of vegan diets in the world, and a variety of reasons why people choose a vegan diet. Regardless, of the type of veganism you choose, vegan diets have benefits to you and the world around you. Here are the ten most common vegan diets.
(updated on 4/23/2023 from page October 16, 2019)

1. Complete Strict Vegan Diet plus (no animal products plus no products from insects)
Strict vegans are those who don’t consume any animal products or by-products, including dairy and eggs. They also avoid using products made with animal-derived ingredients such as leather, wool, and beeswax. Strict vegans are committed to living a cruelty-free lifestyle and do not use any animal-based products in their everyday life.
2. Animal-Free Vegan Diet (no animal products but uses honey, silk, etc.)
Have you ever heard of a vegan who eats honey? This may sound like a contradiction, but it is actually possible to be a vegan while still consuming honey. Many vegans choose to eat honey, and do not consider it to be part of an animal-free vegan diet. This is a diet lifestyle choice.
3. Vegan Diet Part-time (for health detox or one to two times per week)
A “part-time vegan” is an individual who follows a plant-based diet most of the time. However, they occasionally eats animal products. This lifestyle choice is becoming increasingly popular as people recognize the health benefits of eating a predominantly plant-based diet. Vegetarians or carnivores may be vegan part of the time. Sometimes it is for health reasons or they are testing out a vegan diet. Also, sometimes part-time vegans are often motivated by environmental or ethical concerns and strive to reduce their consumption of animal products in order to make a positive impact on the world.
4. Whole Food Vegans (vegan diet through whole foods and home cooking)
A whole foods vegan is someone who follows a plant-based diet that consists of only whole, unprocessed foods. This means that their diet is free from animal products and all processed food items like white flour, white sugar, and refined oils. Whole foods vegans focus on eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains to make sure they get all the essential nutrients they need. Generally they follow a very balanced and healthy diet.
5. Junk Food Vegans (Vegan diet through packaged and processed foods)
A junk food vegan is a person who follows a vegan diet but also consumes processed and unhealthy foods. These individuals may be vegan for ethical reasons, or they may simply prefer the taste of processed foods. Junk food vegans often consume plant-based snacks and meals, but they also eat unhealthy items such as candy, chips, and fast food. While some people might think that this type of diet is not beneficial to one’s health, it can still be considered a form of veganism.
6. Combo Vegans
A combo vegan diet is one that eats two or more of these types of these vegan diets. Some might eat whole foods but also indulges in some vegan junk food. It might be eating some junk food during the week when time is limited and more whole foods during the weekend when there is more time to cook. Or it might be the opposite of a whole week of whole vegan food diet and then weekends are eating mainly processed foods. Another example could be someone who eats raw food during the week and cooked foods on weekends.
7. Raw Food Vegans
A raw food vegan is someone who follows a vegan diet that consists of only uncooked, unprocessed plant-based foods. This type of diet has become increasingly popular in recent years as people strive to eat more healthily and sustainably. Raw food vegans typically consume fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains. They avoid all animal products as well as processed and refined foods such as white sugar and white flour. By eating a raw food vegan diet, you can enjoy the benefits of increased energy levels, improved digestion and weight loss.
8. Diet Vegan Diet (i.e. No or Low fat vegan diet, vegan & no sugar, etc.)
If you are looking for a healthy and sustainable way to eat, then a no or low fat vegan diet might be the perfect choice for you. This type of diet is free from animal products and focuses on plant-based foods that are rich in nutrients and low in fat. Eating this way can help reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity, and other chronic illnesses. It can also provide an array of health benefits such as improved digestion, increased energy levels, better skin health, and more. So if you’re looking to make a positive change in your life, consider trying out a no or low fat vegan diet!
9. Gluten Free Vegan
Gluten free veganism is a lifestyle choice that eliminates all animal products and gluten from the diet. It is becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of the health benefits associated with eliminating these foods from their diets. A gluten free vegan diet consists of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains that are naturally gluten-free. It also eliminates any processed foods or products containing animal ingredients or byproducts such as dairy, eggs, honey, and gelatin. Eating this way can provide numerous health benefits including improved digestion and nutrient absorption, weight loss and improved overall wellbeing.
10. Paleo Vegan (High Protein Diet)
A paleo vegan diet is a type of dietary plan that combines the principles of veganism and the Paleolithic diet. It focuses on consuming whole, unprocessed plant-based foods, while avoiding animal products and processed foods.

Eating a vegan diet can be an incredibly healthy and rewarding lifestyle choice. But with so many different types of vegan diets to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you.
Eating healthy is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. However, it can be difficult to know what diet is right for you. That’s why it’s important to check with a doctor or dietician who knows you before selecting a diet. They can help you determine which foods are best for your body type and lifestyle, as well as any potential health risks associated with certain diets. By consulting with someone who understands your individual needs and goals, you can ensure that the diet you select is tailored to your unique needs and will help you achieve the desired results.
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