How to become a vegan

There are two ways that you can become a vegan. The first one is to start gradually. This is done by not changing your diet all at once. It’s done slowly, and in your own time by adding vegan dishes and meals into your diet. This gives you time to get used to a new way of eating. The second way is to jump right in and immediately change to a vegan diet. This is a sudden change and takes more quick thought to meal planning and shopping.

1. How to start gradually with vegan food

Starting gradually is a popular way to start if you are still craving meat and animal products. It may take time to adjust to a new way of eating. For success, it may be better to slowly. You can start to add in vegan dishes to a meal, or have full vegan meals. Another way to start slowly is to have full vegan days. This way you can start to adjust your taste-buds and figure out the vegan way for cooking.

Suggestions for success:

  • Make it fun by starting with your favorite dishes and meals. Find new favorite recipes.
  • Make a plan for shopping for vegan food by making shopping lists for meals and dishes.
  • Don’t put pressure on yourself
  • Figure out the best way to start vegan. Will it be eating vegan until noon? Will it be Mondays and Fridays? Figure out your goals and what you want to achieve. Are you wanting to eventually become a vegan full time, or do you just want to add some meals or days?

2. How to start a full vegan diet immediately

People who jump in, right away, usually have strong motivation to instantly change their diet. If this is you, and you’re suddenly disgusted by animal products, have developed strong religious or spiritual reasons, or have a health crisis and want a cleaner way of eating, then this way may work for you. Another reason people go full vegan right away is because they are doing a detox, and want to be vegan for a certain period of time.

Suggestions for success:

  • Make out a plan for a weekly menu. Research nutrition and learn how to complete nutritious meals. It can be simple at first by coming up with several things to eat for each meal time and rotating them until you can add more things into your weekly menus.
  • Get rid of everything that is not plant based out of your kitchen. If you live with other people that are not vegan, then try to have designated yummy foods in your refrigerator and cupboards, that you see first.
  • Remind yourself why you are doing this, and why this is important to you.
  • Pay attention to how you are feeling. Notice the extra energy, and lightness you are feeling. Are you getting better sleep? Not constipated anymore? Skin looking better? Keep a log and write down your journey.
  • Know your goals and figure out what type of vegan diet you want to eat. Do you have allergies? Do you want to stay away from grains? Do you want to eat cooked and raw food? Will it be all vegan for a period of time? Knowing what your goals are will help ensure your success!

Whichever method you choose, it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re getting all of the nutrients you need. It’s also helpful to connect with other vegans for support and advice. Remember, every step towards a vegan lifestyle is a step towards a more compassionate, sustainable, and healthier world.