There are many types of vegans in the world, and a variety of reasons why people choose a vegan diet. Regardless, of the type of veganism you choose, vegan diets have benefits to you and the world around you.

There are a variety of ways to experience being a vegan.

  • Complete vegan diet plus (no animal products plus no products from insects)
  • Complete vegan diet (no animal products but uses honey, silk, etc.)
  • Vegan diet part-time (for health detox or one to two times per week)
  • Whole food vegans (vegan diet through whole foods and home cooking)
  • Junk food vegans (Vegan diet through packaged and processed foods)
  • Combo Whole/Junk food vegans
  • Raw food vegans
  • No or Low fat vegan diet
  • Gluten free vegan diet
  • Paleo Vegan or Pegan diet

Reasons for a vegan diet

  • Ethics
  • Health
  • Religious
  • Environment
  • Lose weight
  • Compassion

The reason for being a vegan will be directly influenced by the type of vegan diet chosen. For instance, if someone were to become a vegan for strictly ethical reasons then the diet chosen would likely lean toward a complete vegan diet plus. It may include a vegan junk food diet if there are no health reasons for the diet. If someone were choosing a vegan diet for health reasons then the diet may be complete vegan diet or part time vegan diet with more whole foods or special requirements. When someone uses a vegan diet for detoxing or losing weight, then a raw food vegan diet, whole food vegan diet or a diet with special requirements is used.

Sometimes the reason for starting a vegan diet expands into other reasons. A person that starts a vegan diet for ethical, moral, or religious reasons may quickly notice the health benefits, and increase their study of health. Sometimes someone beginning a vegan diet for health reasons becomes interested in learning the environment and ethical reasons for veganism. Often the reasons for choosing veganism will overlap, over time.

Vegan Focus encourages all vegans to be understanding and respectful of other vegans, and their personal reasons for becoming a vegan, and the vegan diet they chose. Vegan Focus believes that veganism is a diet and lifestyle of compassion – to animals, to self, and to others.